My 6th Birthday in Istanbul!!

I had a great time in Istanbul! The Turkish people were wonderful and made my birthday very special – I even got to be sultan for a day!!!

Sultan Trevor!

We had so much fun visiting the Aya Sofia, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, parks, restaurants, the Grand Bazaar and so much more!! Here are some photos of our fun!


Aya Sofia


Topkapi Palace
Topkapi Palace


At Topkapi Palace
At Topkapi Palace



Traditional Turkish Restaurant
Traditional Turkish Restaurant


A Whirling Dervish
A Whirling Dervish


Blue Mosque
Blue Mosque
Aya Sofia
Aya Sofia
Sultan Trevor
Me as Sultan!!

Here are more photos from our trip to Istanbul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One comment

  1. Love the pictures. So many great memories you are going to have. And Sultan for a day! How cool!

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