The Easter Bunny Visits a Medieval Austrian Fortress!

We had such an amazing Easter this year! We stayed in the only tourist apartment in the coolest medieval fortress ever – Festung Hohensalzburg (Hohensalzburg Fortress) in Salzburg, Austria!

The Fortess

From our apartment we had a view of the inside of the fortress and we were free to walk around anytime – the tourists were only allowed in during the day – so early morning and at night, it was all ours!!

On Easter morning, we were surprised to see that the Easter Bunny hid eggs inside and all over the castle grounds outside too!! It was so fun finding the eggs next to 1000 year-old walls!

We loved exploring Salzburg! We visited a cool and spooky graveyard in an Abbey, super old catacombs dug up high in a mountain, beautiful churches, gardens, and of course, a playground!!

In the catacombs

When we visited Vienna, I loved learning about Mozart and REALLY wanted a “violint”! Mom wouldn’t buy me a real one, but she did let me have a little one! I loved playing it everywhere I went!  One day, I decided to see if I could make money by playing on the street with a hat in front of me. Since I didn’t have a hat, I used my dad’s sunglass case. I sat in a square near a fountain and began playing.  Soon, a big group of American teens stopped in the square. Within minutes, they saw me and almost every one of them lined up to give me money!  I made €16 in 2 minutes!!!! It was awesome! So what did I buy? Legos of course! (But my mom made me save some of it, at least for a few days – I’m really good at giving her my sad eyes – works almost every time!). Here I am playing:

Everyday we had to take this really cool funicular up and down the side of the mountain to get to and from the fortess. I loved it!  But 2 times we missed the last one and had to walk up the super steep stairs and slopes! Boy are my mom and dad out of shape! They were soooooo tired!

Me on the funicular


  1. Great blog Trevor! I really liked your stories and pictures. The castle was unbelievable.

  2. Dear Trevor,
    I LOVED your BLOG!!! You are a very good writer….just like your mommie!!
    Your Easter celebration looked like “lots of fun”….wish I could have been there. All of your pictures are FABULOUS !! Tell Mommie and Daddy to keep taking them so I can follow your adventures , O.K.?
    Please write and tell me if you receive my note. I am anxious to learn how to reply to you. I want to be able to talk to you often….you are my “Best Buddie”
    Love you VERY, VERY MUCH

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